Chapter 3

Are we going to see the unforgettable adventures of an abandoned factory on the screens again in Chapter 3? Who has not yet investigated the case of brutal toys and the secret of their creation? You have to find out what is actually hidden within the walls of this frightening factory, which is bypassed by the side.

Immerse yourself in the world of bizarre plush creatures that will create various nasty things for you. The most important blue villain is once again out on the hunt for players who, it would seem, already know every corner in this building. But what surprises will it bring with it in Chapter 3?

Stay cool and do not make sudden movements, because the main antagonist of this adventure is watching you. Open the doors to each of the rooms and find clues to all the Easter eggs that are hidden in this story. How wide could a developer’s imagination run wild? What cool and unexpected twists and turns will await you when you open the doors to the world of toy making?

All the same old film that can be viewed at the beginning of the hides its secrets. Find the key to each of the secrets, find a secluded place to hide and be on the alert. He always sneaks up unexpectedly. What other creatures inhabit this factory and what can they do? Does every toy here have a soul and wants to hide the most important thing from you?

Convenient controls that will help you hide from Poppy as soon as possible. Unrivaled graphics that will surely delight fans of this horror. How many more nights do avid adventurers need to spend here in order to fish out all the riddles and find answers to long-standing questions? Will this adventure and journey to the factory be the last and will the story of unbridled plush monsters end?

Collect the items you need to use them when needed. Follow the prompts to avoid falling into one of the tricks. Each thing here carries some information. Find out what is hidden in the graffiti or how many circles of hell you need to know to get out of here alive and not caught by the huge blue, whose grin is already familiar to many netizens around the world.

Remain calm and judicious. Hot-tempered movements will obviously not help you in this matter. To unravel the mystery, you need to get to the bottom of its essence. Do not stop before difficulties and plunge headlong into an exciting journey, where every second is full of adventure motives.